Health Care
Raktashuddhi Gomutra Ark
- Product Code30049011
- Priceर 310.00/-
- AvailabilityAvailable
- Weight500
Raktasuddhi Gomutra Ark contain Many herb wich is bloodpurifire
Jatmansi :- Skin diseases, Purify blood, improves skin
complexion and useful in depression, helps to lower blood pressure,
useful in hepatitis and treats enlargement of the liver, useful in
Alzheimer’s disease, useful in headache and depression, brain
functions, to treat amenorrhoea, effective in Central nervous system
disorders, it induces periods, useful gastritis and bloating, seminal
debility, epilepsy.
Vasa :- Useful in bleeding disorders, detoxifies blood, useful in
chronic respiratory tract infections, useful in liver disorders, useful in
cold and cough & all cold related diseases, useful in vomiting, useful in
skin disorders, useful in fever, useful in excessive thirst, acts as cardiac
tonic, good for throat, useful in asthma, chronic bronchitits, useful in
urinary tract disorders, diabetes, useful in anorexia, useful in bleeding
disorders, worm infested wounds and skin disorders, jaundice,
dysentery, headache, and tuberculosis.
Jethimadh :- Good for eye and eyesight , Provides good
strength and immunity, Enhances colour and complexion, Good
aphrodisiac, increases the quantity and quality of semen, Good hair
tonic, Excellent remedy for throat disorders, good for improving voice,
Heals ulcers, wounds and swelling / inflammation associated with
wounds, It neutralizes the bad effects of poisons and toxins, Anti-
emetic, Relieves thirst, Relieves tiredness / exhaustion, provides
energy, Useful in relieving wasting disorders, degenerative diseases,
Good expectorant, expels phlegm from lungs, heals respiratory
diseases, Good for heart health, prevents damage from LDL
cholesterol (Bad fat), Discourages clogging plaque formation which can
damage heart, Enhances immunity by boosting levels of interferon
which is the key chemical of the immune system that fights off viruses,
Has anti-allergic property and highly beneficial in allergic rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, Mild laxative, It has antidepressant
compounds and helps in warding off depression, Good Brain Tonic,
Blood-purifier, Increases quality and quantity of blood, useful in
bleeding disorder, Relieves cough, chest congestion, sore-throat, Anti-
pyreticRelieves dysuria, Promotes longevity of life, Promotes fracture
Saunf :- Prevents aging and cancer, Helps in digestion, Useful in
neurological diseases, Useful in chronic respiratory conditions leading
to emaciation, useful in people with injuries, improves strength and
immunity, useful in bleeding disorders of Pitta origin, improves
digestion strength, good for heart, cardiac tonic, useful in relieving pain
arising from female reproductive system, worm infestation,
constipation, Vata disorders, Useful in burning sensation, anorexia, lack
of interest in food, vomiting, cough, cold, bronchitis and asthama, sore
throat, useful to get rid of water retention or oedema.
Raktashuddhi ark,Raktashuddhi gomutra ark, blood disorder, panchgvaya chikitsha
Very useful in blood purification
Very useful in blood purification
Abhishek Sharma